Classic Ethical Lapses on Quebec Bar Ethics Exam

Classic Ethical Lapses on Quebec Bar Ethics Exam

The first part of the Ethics Exam of the Quebec Bar, and normally worth 50% of that exam, is to identify a number of ethical lapses and the associated article in a fact pattern. It is very important to be specific in your description of each lapse and I recommend that...
Sharpened Mock Exams

Sharpened Mock Exams

I always say that the best way to prepare for the Quebec Bar Exam and to help get you into the “Bar Exam” mindset is to do as many past exams as possible. The problem is that there are very few past exams for ethics (the ones we have been able to track...
The New Quebec Bar Exam Format: An Overview

The New Quebec Bar Exam Format: An Overview

Quebec Bar School has recently gone through its most drastic changes in 20 years: let’s have a look. First and foremost, there is effectively no longer Bar School. Yes, there is around a week of classes on ethics and a couple of presentations, but beyond that,...
Quebec Ethics Exam: Precious Tips

Quebec Ethics Exam: Precious Tips

UPDATED FOR THE NEW BAR EXAM FORMAT ​The ethics exam is quickly approaching and you are wondering what to expect and some tricks to prepare accordingly. With a very high degrees of accuracy, I am comfortable stating that your ethics exam will likely  have a first part...
Quebec Bar Past Ethics Exams

Quebec Bar Past Ethics Exams

UPDATED FOR THE NEW BAR EXAM FORMAT The Ethics Exam is often your first exposure to bar-style questions and students often do quite poorly on it. I would say that roughly half of all students writing the exam fail it and those students who do get through, most just...